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Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (2)
責任編輯: webmaster  發布日期 : 2005-09-23  點閱: 5641 次     友善列印轉寄好友
  9月23日,經過一夜充分的休息,在等待若干團員會合的空檔,黃秘書長特別安排前往東京銀座區參觀,並於當地享用一份道地的日本料理午餐。銀座(Ginza)是東京市主要的繁華商業街區之一,其街道規劃以高雅華麗、雍容大方、充滿成熟浪漫氣息而著稱。銀座大街,以銀座四丁目十字路口最為繁華,四周百貨公司及高檔商品商店林立,有 SONY大廈展示廳、法國瑪克西姆西餐廳、阪急百貨店、瑪麗奧商廈內的瑪麗奧阪急百貨店和有樂町西武百貨店等。瑪麗奧商廈入口處的精工大型自動音樂演奏時鐘每小時演奏一次。銀座往南可通往新橋,往北則可達著名電器街秋葉原。銀座的地價在世界上排名屈指可數,常在前五名內,銀座的物價亦為世界之最。銀座既有百年老店,也有令人目不暇接的新潮店鋪,富有魅力的大街是步行者天堂,能讓人感受到自由、愜意及歷史和時代的交叉點。
  After a night rest, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying arranged a Giza excursion on September 23, 2005, when waiting for other delegates. We also enjoyed genuine Japanese cuisine for lunch. Ginza is one of the most prosperous business areas in Tokyo. It is famous for the brilliant and elegant street planning, graceful and poised, filled with tinges of maturity and romance. The crossroads of the 4 chome on the Ginza Boulevard are the most prosperous location of the area. There are department stores and high-profile boutiques standing on both sides, including the showroom at the Sony Building, the Maxim French Restaurant, Hankyu Department Store, the Marion-Hankyu Department Store inside Marion Building, and the Seibu Department Store in Yurokucho etc. The huge automatic music clock by Seiko overhead the entrance of Marion plays every hour. To the south is Shinbashi and north is Akihabara, the famous home appliance center. The land price of Ginza ranks as one of top five in the world, and its commodity price tops the world. In Ginza there are so many hundred-year-old stores and modern stores that the eye cannot take them all in at the same time. The charming streets in Ginza please wanderers, allowing one to feel the freedom, pleasure, and the intersection of history and modernity.

  在用餐的同時,黃晉英秘書長再次向團員們耳提面命接連三天要參與的活動內容,也就是此行的重點:參加於奧林匹克青年紀念中心(National Olympics Memorial Youth Center)舉辦之學生會議(SB05Tokyo Student Session),包括:當日下午的開幕式及歡迎晚宴、9月24日下午及25日上午有關熱帶及亞熱帶地區永續建築之微氣候設計的研討會。這個學生會議係本屆永續建築國際會議之創舉,源起曾造訪台灣的SB05Tokyo大會主席Shuzo Murakami教授與秘書長Kazuo Iwamura教授接納了祐生林俊興董事長的提議,特別在SB05Tokyo正式會議前召開一個會前會,打算向下紮根,提供來自全世界在學學子更深入了解永續建築領域的機會,培育未來在世界各地推動永續建築的尖兵。此外,為了答謝本次辛苦居中協調、安排,使祐生有機會在此一開放給來自全世界學生參與的會議中分享共生化的理念與作為,黃晉英秘書長特別代表基金會致贈精緻小禮物予身為該學生會議主要籌辦人之一的蔡耀賢先生,並請他簡要說明該會議目前籌辦的情形。
  During lunch, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying never forgot to remind delegates of the contents of activities in the following 3 days; i.e. the objectives of the trip: participation in the SB05Tokyo Student Session held at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, including the opening ceremony in the afternoon and the welcome party in the evening; and the workshop 2 : Bio-Climatic Design of SB in Tropical & Subtropical Region in the afternoon of September 24 and the morning of September 25. The Student Session was the first of its kind for the SB Conference. It all began with the recommendation made by President Lin Chun-shin when Professor Shuzo Murakami, Chairperson of the SB05Tokyo, and Secretary General Kazuo Iwamura visited the foundation in Taiwan. The aim of the Student Session was to provide an opportunity for students from different parts of the world to understand more about sustainable buildings before the official conference of SB05Tokyo, in an attempt to take root among the younger generations and to cultivate pioneers for promoting sustainable buildings across the globe. Furthermore, to express our gratitude for Mr. Tsai Yao-hsien, one of the principal organizers of the Student Session, who has made painstaking efforts to coordinate and arrange the opportunity for the foundation to share its idea and accomplishments in symbiosis with students across the globe at the session, Secretary General Huang presented a gift to Tsai on behalf of the foundation, and invited Tsai to give a brief introduction of the Student Session.

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