發佈日期:  2019-07-23 @U@ 分類: 例會活動

Sketch of Public Policy Communion, June 2019

  本會於2019年6月23日假晶華酒店地下三樓晶英會舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近來社會紛擾不安,如香港反送中遊行事件,以及中美貿易大戰仍持續進行等。因此,在這個時點應密切觀察外在局勢變化,行事保守以對,並有著最壞的打算。另外,祐生Headquarter已取得使用執照,將規劃新型態的讀書會與聯誼會,進一步提升祐生成員的知識能量。而大樓命名為「長‧安樓」,多了一個點,唸成長音,表示長長久久的平安之意,期望國家社會能安然度過危難;字體選擇粉色系,則象徵了性別平等。最後,提醒大家永續建築環境國際會議「Beyond 2020」將在2020年6月於瑞典舉辦,請於今年7月底前投稿,以便持續在國際上傳遞祐生理念。」
  The June Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2019 was held on June 23, 2019. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Recently, the world has been in turmoil with the ongoing anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong and the U.S.-China trade war. Therefore, we should all now be watching these changes closely in their overall development and possessing a conservative attitude while planning for the worst scenarios. On the other hand, Archilife Research Foundation’s Headquarter has received its User License. Our colleagues have been preparing for new approaches on Wormhole Bookish Assembly and Public Policy Communion to take place soon, so that members of Archilife will be empowered with more valuable knowledge. Our headquarter building has been named "Chang‧An Building" where "Chang" (Chang-An means longevity in Chinese) is pronounced with a long "Chang" sound to emphasize our wish for eternal peace and for our country to safely endure all crises. We’ve chosen pink for the font color to symbolize gender equality. Last but not least, I would like to remind everyone that the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference or Beyond 2020 will take place in Sweden in June 2020. Please submit your papers by the end of July as we continue to convey our Archilife philosophy throughout the world."
  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Chou Yu-ching spoke on "All About Food Allergy". The speaker first pointed out that in the recent years, immune system disorders have risen to be the third most catastrophic illness as determined by the National Health Insurance. Dramatic changes in climate, environmental pollution and changes in lifestyle and dietary habits are all possible causes for the severity of these disorders. The speaker further explained that a food allergy occurs when the immune system shows abnormal immune-reaction to certain food. However, discomfort resulted from the consumption of specific kinds of food doesn’t directly translate to food allergy – in some cases, the unpleasant physical reaction could actually be due to food intolerance. The speaker pointed out that one could take "sources of food allergy testing", make use of a rotation diet to avoid allergic foods, take appropriate dietary supplements and probiotics to protect digestive system environment and strengthen liver’s detoxification capability. This way the body’s self-healing capability will be naturally enhanced to prolong a healthy life.
  Next, Ms. Li Chun-ju spoke on "Let’s E-Learning – A Novel Travel and Learn around Taiwan". The speaker first mentioned about the ongoing Environmental Education Facility and Venue Integration Promotion Project Work Plan, which Ms. Li hoped would find a new presentation platform for environmental education via an interesting teaching method and through cross-industry integration. Resource inventory and integration for environmental education venues are first conducted; itineraries that center on the spirit of green travel are planned out according to local characteristics. The speaker then shared with the audience the key current environmental issues that she has observed on ten of the travel routes throughout Taiwan. Ms. Li pointed out that, there are no absolute correct answers in the process of environmental education. As we make our decisions along the way, the costs we have paid forward and the results we have gained will lead us to more in-depth thoughts – if we observe some behaviors from a sustainable and long-term perspective, would all of us humans make different choices?
  Next, Ms. Chang Kuei-feng spoke on "Brief Discussion of Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development in Rural Areas from the Perspective of Regional Revitalization". The speaker explained that the 2010 Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development had mentioned that global climate change and impact on the economy were causing a sizeable shift in the course of national spatial development. As for today, the National Development Council has set forth the 2019 National Development Plan and the Executive Yuan has announced year 2019 as Taiwan’s
Regional Revitalization Year – in which industries fitted for local characteristics would be developed to attract population back to the rural areas and have the youngsters move back to their hometowns so that a "balanced development in Taiwan" could be achieved. Ms. Chang also mentioned that Ando Tadao has been "planting trees and introducing wind," where the concept of green corridors incorporated with wind corridors is used to fight against the heat island effects. Finally, the speaker pointed out that the Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development is still currently undergoing revisions and she hoped that everyone would continue to monitor this topic closely.
  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The June Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.