發佈日期:  2020-01-15 @U@ 分類: 例會活動

Sketch of Public Policy Communion, December 2019

  本會於2019年12月15日假台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓喜廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目之下,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近來全球局勢動盪不安,天災與人禍持續不斷,在此重申林俊興董事長於2019年會之宣告:「預估的情境都已經浮現,黑天鵝排隊準備登場。良機要掌握,危機要躲避。」提醒大家要能正確判斷形勢,並「開發特異功能」,使能通過未來嚴峻考驗。另外,本會與TSSBE成員於12月10日假台北喜來登大飯店設宴歡迎iiSBE執行長Nils Larsson來訪,Mr. Nils Larsson對於台灣推動永續環境的努力與前瞻性的思維都給予極高的評價,並表示將以實際行動支持台灣。成員們也發揮精湛的外語能力,席間氣氛熱絡、賓主盡歡。最後還是要提醒大家,2020年的行事仍應謹言慎行,保守以對。」接著介紹新任知識執守者,為日語執守者林翊婷小姐。
  The December Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2019 was held on December 15, 2019. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The global situation has been turbulent in recent years, and natural disasters and human calamities continue to take place. I would like to hereby reiterate President Lin Chun-shin’s announcement in 2019 : "The forecasted situation has emerged, the black swans are waiting in line to prepare for the show. The opportunity is to be grasped, the crisis should be avoided.", reminded everyone to make correct judgement and develop extraordinary powers to pass the harsh tests ahead. In addition, Archilife and the TSSBE members hosted a banquet at the Sheraton Taipei Hotel on December 10th to welcome iiSBE CEO Nils Larsson who came for a visit. Mr. Nils Larsson highly rated Taiwan’s efforts in promoting a sustainable environment and forward-looking vision and said he would support Taiwan through action. The members also showed their foreign language skills. During the banquet, the atmosphere was warm, and both the guests and hosts thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Finally, let me remind you all that in 2020 we shall continue to speak and act cautiously with a conservative approach." Later on, the new knowledge keeper introduced herself to the members.
  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Ms. Chang Yu-tung, presented a speech on the "Recreating the Historical Scene-Exemplified by the Syongjhen North Gate and Zhuoying Fengshan Jiou-Cheng West Gate Tie Gong Section". The presenter first said "Preservation" is not just restoration but an interpretation and recreation of historical scenarios. Recreating the Historical Scene is a new cultural asset strategy proposed by the Ministry of Culture on June 17th, 2016, which starts from the perspective of history and cultural memory, incorporates city governance and create memories that reconnect with modern life. The presenter used the British consulate as an example. After collecting and compiling information and relevant investigations and research, planning design and restoration works commenced, hoping to preserve and continue the spirit of the place. She subsequently mentioned the geographical location and historical background of the Syongjhen North Gate. The goal of the restoration was to display the original battery space and establish links with the first port space. For the Zhuoying Fengshan Jiou-Cheng West Gate part, we hope that the historical features of the Jiu-Cheng Ximen site can be fully constructed.
  Next, Ms. Su Mei-ju spoke on "The Impact of Policy on Museum Development". The presenter first said that Taiwan’s museum business is currently in an era of diversification. In the wake of all walks of life, the Museum Act was promulgated in 2015. Under the Museum Act, the museums have the status of non-profit organizations, and natural persons have the right to apply for museum setup, which are conducive to encourage private museum establishment. The presenter also mentioned the content of the museum and local culture development plan promoted from 2016 to 2021 and shared the Lanyang Museum case with all, hoping that through the laws and regulations, the constitution of museums can be improved, thereby perfecting museum functions and winning the support and participation of the general public. Through the development plan, the sustainable management and development of local cultural undertakings can be promoted.
  Next, Mr. Chen Yuan-hung spoke on "Description of Critical Age and Earthquake Residence". The presenter first mentioned that Taiwan is located along the Pacific Rim seismic belt, with an average of thousands of earthquakes each year. The building load transfer path is from slabs, beams, the columns. Therefore, slabs must have enough strength and stiffness to carry the loads of furniture, equipment, and people. The presenter explained PSERCB operating procedures, while data can also be applied in future disaster prevention, policy formulation, and urban renewal. There are various construction methods for reinforcing the earthquake resistance of buildings, which should fully consider the building use needs. Today’s seismic force computation is also included in the critical-age building focuses. The presenter also said that under Taiwan’s environment of frequent earthquakes, old buildings have inadequate earthquake resistance. Therefore, the crucial age ordinance has been set up to enhance the home safety of citizens.
  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The December Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.