發佈日期:  2020-12-20 @U@ 分類: 交流活動

BEYOND 2020視訊會議
BEYOND 2020 Video Conference
  本會長期贊助台灣永續建築環境促進會,參與促進台灣永續建築及共生環境相關學術與實務之國際交流。原訂2020年6月中旬於瑞典舉辦的BEYOND 2020會議,因受新冠肺炎影響而延期,經主辦單位重新規劃,於2020年11月2日至4日舉辦線上國際會議。為使祐生成員亦能參與本次會議,取得國際永續最新資訊,經台灣永續建築環境促進會李彥頤秘書長向主辦單位爭取闢設視訊點後,本會黃晉英秘書長積極協助,提供視訊會議場地、設備、費用等,使得本次視訊參與BEYOND 2020會議,得以順利舉辦完成。茲將會議要點及參與成果,說明如下:
  The Archilife Research Foundation(ARF)has long sponsored the Taiwan Society of Sustainable Built Environment(TSSBE)and has participated in Taiwan’s sustainable building promotion and symbiotic environment-related academic and practical international exchanges. The BEYOND 2020 Conference held in Sweden in mid-June 2020 was postponed due to COVID-19. Through the sponsor’s replanning, online international conference was held from November 2~4, 2020. In order to ensure Archilife members also participated in conference and obtained the latest information on international sustainability, ARF Secretary General Huang Chin-ying actively provided assistance in the provision of the video conference venue, equipment, costs, etc, after TSSBE Secretary General Li Yen-yi pushed for the video location from the organizer. The participation in the BEYOND 2020 video conference came to a successful close. The key points at the conference and participation results are explained below:

  The video conference on November 2, 2020 was hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The participating members included: Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Mr. Lin De-en, Ms. Lin Yu-ju, Ms. Lin Yi-hsuan, Ms. Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, Mr. Chen Tai-an, Mr. Hsiao Jui-lin, Mr. Tung Ssu-wei, and Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan who jointly attended the conference.

  The main contents discussed at the conference on the day included: urban environment building strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, a typhoon risk assessment of typhoons in Guangzhou, China and a review of the ecological footprint of Joao Monlevade, Brazil as examples. Also, there were the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), the concrete implementations of sustainable towns, as well as urban water resource management strategies and planning. Mr. Li Yen-yi used the water-resistant infrastructure of Tai-kang Elementary School, Tainan City as an example to present a keynote report and share Taiwan’s research results with international friends.

  Towards the end of today’s video conference, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying pointed out to the participants that in the face of intensifying climate change, other than COVID-19, human society is also under the constant threat of various emerging diseases. Therefore, conferences convened through video conferencing will become the main form of international conferences in the future. This development trend coincides with the ARF’s constant emphasis for mankind moving towards the symbiotic civilization. You are specially invited to take part in the meeting and jointly experience the future of symbiotic civilization.

  Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said that the ARF has repeatedly elaborated on the implication and vision of symbiotic civilization through international conference participation, hoping everyone will review related seminar discussions and report contents through the perspective of symbiotic civilization, as well as whether the important perspectives of international societies are heading towards symbiotic civilization. Before the meeting ended, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying specially invited the participating members to take group photographs for remembrance, which marked the successful completion of the meeting on the day.


  The video conference on November 3, 2020 was hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The participating members included: Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Hsiao Jui-lin, Ms. Wu Yi-ting, Ms. Liu Chia-chi, Ms. Lo Ting-yu, Mr. Tung Ssu-wei, Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan who jointly attended the conference.

  The main contents discussed at the conference on the day included: digitalization tool use, the progress of digital tools and their effectiveness in constructing sustainable towns and cities, the actual use of digital tools to build smart buildings and carry out city and town planning, urban transformation and revitalization strategies to explore the sustainable development model of old cities and towns. Ms. Chang Kuei-feng also used townships in Pingtung as examples to share the Taiwan government’s regional revitalization policy implementation and concrete results of local sustainable development promotions with international friends.

  As the video conference on the day came to an end, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said that convening meetings by digital means are an important opportunity for Taiwan. This is because Taiwan’s Pride TSMC, combined with ARF’s concept of symbiosis, are bound to lead to the creation of more favorable development conditions for Taiwan, which will in turn lead the world towards symbiotic civilization. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also reminded the participants that when presenting research reports during international conferences, in addition to familiarizing themselves with existing professional knowledge, knowledge and important viewpoints from other fields should also be studied seriously in order to communicate and exchange ideas with experts and scholars from various fields. In addition, concise arguments may also be added to the opening address and conclusion to attract the audience’s attention and convey the concepts.

  Before the conference ended, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying specially assigned two tasks to participants. Besides continuing to observe whether the issues discussed at the conference and important viewpoints are in line with symbiotic civilization, participants can carefully observe the advantages and disadvantages of video conferences to serve as important references of convening international video conferences in the future. Finally, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying encouraged the participants to take part in the comprehensive discussion on the last day to share their personal feedback on participating in the conferences for consecutive days. The participants were also invited to take group photographs, which marked the successful completion of the conference on the second day.


  The video conference on November 4, 2020 was hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The participants included: Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Ms. Chang Kuei-feng, Ms. Lin Yi-hsuan, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Ms. Lin Ju-yu, Mr. Hsiao Jui-lin, Mr. Tung Ssu-wei, and Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan who jointly attended the conference.

  The main contents discussed at the conference on the day included: upgrading green buildings to practical cases in line with energy and environment design leadership certification standards, urban metabolism and the formulation of urban planning for sustainable consumption and production, as well as the design of a generational city and the analysis of sustainable community construction strategies and urban renewal polices and results in South Korea and China.

  As the video conference on the day came to an end, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said that symbiotic civilization covers symbiosis and digitalization. Symbiosis is the ARF’ strong suit, while digitalization remains relatively weaker. However, throughout the international conference held for three consecutive days, whether contacts before the conference, venue arrangement, video connection, screen cutting, etc, indicate the ARF’s considerable degree of digitalization capabilities. It is hoped that everyone will provide participation feedback on their conference participation, which shall serve as a reference for ARF’s subsequent improvement. The participants later proposed their personal opinions and conference participation feedback in terms of overall conference process arrangement, video system planning, enhancement of international universal language proficiency, research directions to be strengthened, links to the UN’s sustainable development goals, etc.
  會議結束前,黃晉英秘書長特別提醒與會人員,發表演講應注意整體流暢度,尤其要避免無謂的語助詞並善用圖片,減少繁雜文字敘述,才能引導聽講者進入主題。此外,參與國際會議,最重要的就是具備相當程度的語言能力,才能清晰表達研究論點,並與國際專家學者做更深入的交流。最後,黃晉英秘書長再次感謝與會人員的參與,並邀請與會人員合影留念,為BEYOND 2020會議劃下完美的句點。
  Before the conference ended, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying specially reminded the participants to note their overall fluency during speeches, especially useless auxiliary words that should be avoided, putting illustrations to good use, and reducing complex text narratives in order to guide the audience to grasp the topic. Additionally, the most important part of participating in international conferences is considerable language proficiency in order to clearly express research arguments and engage in more in-depth exchanges with international experts and scholars. Finally, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying thanked the participants for their involvement and invited them to take group photographs for remembrance. The BEYOND 2020 Conference came to a perfect close.

  In the face of drastic changes in external environment, we have more profoundly come to realize the essentiality of symbiotic civilization construction. At such a crucial time, the ARF hopes its members will continue to improve their self-competency to contribute to society, actively take part in international conferences to promote the concept of symbiotic civilization, thereby laying the cornerstone of sustainable development for Taiwan and the human race.