發佈日期:  2024-08-29 @U@ 分類: 例會活動

Sketch of Public Policy Communion, July 2024

  The July Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2024 was held on July 21, 2024. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Presently, the U.S. presidential election is in a state of impasse, and the results will have a substantial influence on Taiwan's future development. Taiwan should continue to monitor the situation and prepare for contingencies ahead of time. Coming back to the topic of climate change, catastrophes brought on by severe weather have significantly affected human life and the natural environment in all parts of the world. Many countries around the world have issued proclamations and taken actions to achieve "net-zero emissions by 2050". Taiwan has also declared its 2050 net-zero transformation goals. Additionally, one month after taking office, President Lai Ching-te announced the formation of three committees. These committees include the National Climate Change Response Committee, the Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee, and the Healthy Taiwan Promotion Committee, with the President serving as the convenor and the goal of bolstering Taiwan's strength and leading it to a brighter future!"

  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Lin Chih-yuan presented a speech on the "Farmtour Belt in Taoyuan and Hsinchu Area". The speaker first stated that excessive tourism development would have significant environmental consequences, resulting in the promotion of the ESG sustainable travel and natural environment protection. Using Taoyuan and Hsinchu as examples this time, the government's leisure agriculture and rural village regeneration efforts will be continued. In response to current trends, smart agriculture and mountain-sea package tours to showcase ESG have been developed to generate farmtour-related business opportunities. Furthermore, transportation resources such as airports, High Speed Rail (HSR), and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) have been linked to promote the regional brand strategies "Experiential City Travel" and "Attractive Farmtour Highlights". The speaker also brought up the leisure agriculture theme-related characteristics and industrial resources, such as local agricultural souvenirs and interactive activities. According to the speaker, travel agencies, rural village communities, and leisure agricultural areas are expected to form a partnership to achieve three ESG goals: net-zero sustainability, ecological conservation, and heartwarming rural villages.

  Next, Ms. Sun Ruei-suei spoke on "Introduction to Net-zero Buildings". The speaker began by emphasizing the importance of decarbonization in achieving the world's net-zero goal. "Buildings breakthrough initiatives", "cement and concrete breakthrough initiatives" and other urban climate action initiatives were announced at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). In the meantime, raising and improving building energy efficiency, boosting home appliance energy efficiency, and advocating and putting carbon reduction strategies into practice are all part of the Ministry of the Interior's net-zero building path axis. The speaker went on to explain the criteria for determining net-zero building carbon emissions, which include embodied carbon(EC) and operational carbon(OC). She specifically mentioned that green finance plays an important role in supporting green buildings and net-zero building production. Finally, the speaker said that Taiwan has many net-zero building role models and hopes that Taiwan’s net-zero outcomes will continue to be promoted around the world in the future.

  接著由國政委員蔡坤憲先生主講「One Health共有的健康」。主講人首先表示20世紀後期以來人獸共患病增加,四個證據為:1.已知人類疾病有60%由動物媒介;2.新興傳染病有75%感染源為動物;3.五個人類流行疾病有三個是動物媒介;4.有80%動物源病原體具威脅潛力。這意味著人類、動物(植物)及環境的健康相互影響,因此,One Health即為致力於促進人和動物(植物)健康、維護和改善生態環境之行動。主講人表示,目前每年有許多國際組織合作,包含聯合國糧食及農業組織、世界動物衛生組織以及世界衛生組織等進行跨域整合,期能成就全球「One Health」。
  Next, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien spoke on "One Health". The speaker began by stating that there has been an increase in the number of zoonoses cases since the late 20th century. The four pieces of evidence include: 1. animal vectors cause 60% of known human diseases; 2. animal sources account for 75% of emerging infectious diseases; 3. animal vectors cause three out of the five human epidemic diseases; and 4. 80% of pathogens derived from animals pose potential threats. This suggests that there is mutual influence between people, animal (plant), and the environment. As a result, One Health is an action aimed at promoting human and animal (plant) health while also preserving and improving the natural environment. According to the speaker, there are currently numerous international organizations collaborations on cross-domain integration, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health, and the World Health Organization, with the goal of achieving global "One Health".

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The July Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.