發佈日期:  2024-06-24 @U@ 分類: 例會活動

Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, May 2024
  For the study tour of May 18, 2024, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 23 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to Sanyi, Miaoli, to learn about eating mugwort and indigo dyeing. At Travel Service Center of Shuangtan Agritourism Area, everyone was introduced to the ecological environment of Shuangtan area through a briefing. Due to distinct weather changes in the locality, fruits such as peach, plums and citruses are especially delicious, giving rise to many unique farms in the surrounding. The tour guide explained that mugwort is highly adaptable to the climate and soil, and helps to relieve heat and remove toxin in the human body, which is why mugwort is commonly found in medicine and food. As mugwort looks similar to the toxic Santa Maria feverfew, everyone was led to the mugwort plantation to observe the herb up close, learning that the back of its leaves has grayish-white fine hair and rubbing the leaves produces a strong fragrance. In the DIY activities afterward, interns made caozaiguo, rolled moxa sticks and made mugwort tea, feeling thoroughly accomplished upon savoring caozaiguo stuffed with savory dried radish, and sipping fragrant mugwort and red date tea.
  In the afternoon, everyone tried natural dyeing at Zhuo Ye Cottage, which promotes indigo dyeing culture. While natural blue dye is extracted from indigo plant, many other plants and insects can be used as natural dyes. During the tie-dye activity, the milk tea color and purplish-red color dyes used were extracted from onion skin and cochineal respectively. After the initial steps, everyone gathered their semi-finished works for the final boiling dyeing process. While waiting, everyone toured the 2-hectare cottage area. Built along a slope, the wooden cottage with its rustic ambiance and densely packed trees immerses one in a therapeutic and relaxing environment. Just like indigo dyed clothing worn by people in the early days, fireflies often seen in farm villages on spring nights have become rare sights with industrial transformation and excessive land development. However, Zhuo Ye Cottage endeavors to ensure that people can still experience the vitality of farm living. On the way to Shan Ban Qiao Farm, everyone collected their unique dye works, created by varying stick thickness and rubber band tying. These works added wonderful memories to the trip.

  At Shan Ban Qiao Farm, everyone learned the differences between free range and caged chickens. Free to move around, free range chickens are healthier and produce better quality eggs. A fresh egg has three clear layers, i.e. yolk, thick and thin egg white. The yolk is springy, thick, protruding, and does not collapse even if stuck with toothpicks. If an egg is not fresh, the yolk will be flat and the egg white watery. Sharing knowledge of eggs, the farm owner also talked about different types of eggs, their nutritional values and cooking methods. Everyone then entered the open chicken coop to collect free-range eggs, enjoying farm life while learning about raising chickens and collecting eggs. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading back home and looked forward to the next study tour.