發佈日期:  2007-11-11 @U@ 分類: 永續建築相關會議

SB07 Taipei國際會議紀要(2)
Summary of SB07 Taipei International Conference(2)
  結束午餐後隨即展開第三全會,由SB08Melbourne 聯席主席Dr. Greg Foliente發表 「超越『三重底線』與『綠建築』─邁向永續未來」之專題演講,為協調永續發展的整體與綜合研究,內容中提到我們為何在規劃、設計、管理與評估時必須超越三元兼顧而著眼於多元兼顧,同時將目標與焦點擴及都市永續性,而非僅局限於設計與建造單一綠建築時造成的較小影響。這表示適用於由產品到整體建築系統到物件組合,以至於都市區域的整合式永續性規劃與評估,應包含永續效能指標與評估方法。身為人類居住與消耗的中心,城市可說是有效永續性變革的關鍵,變革必須短期可見實質收益─亦即類似「引爆點」現象─而非逐漸增加。藉由趨成導向達成持續的製程和產品革新,因而得以呈現有助於社會變革邁向都市永續性的成果概念、利益和應用。
  The Plenary Session III began immediately after the lunch with the keynote speech delivered by SB08Melbourne Co-chair Dr. Greg Foliente on "Beyond Triple-Bottom-Line and Green Buildings - Towards Sustainable Futures", an overall and integrated research on sustainable development. In the speech, Foliente explained the reasons why we needed to go beyond triple bottom line (3BL) to n-number of bottom line (nBL) in planning, design, management and assessment, and expand the goal and focus on urban sustainability rather than the relatively minor impact of designing and building one "green" building/facility at a time. This means integrated sustainability planning and assessment -- including the need for sustainability performance indicators and assessment tools/methods -- that scaled from products to whole built systems to asset portfolios and to urban regions. As centers of human settlements and consumption, our cities hold the keys to effective sustainability transitions. And the latter is only possible if substantial gains are delivered in short time periods -- i.e. akin to "tipping point" phenomena -- rather than incremental. Sustained innovation is crucial; "one-off" innovation attracts momentary attention but is woefully inadequate to have lasting impact. Process and product innovations can be sustained from one project to another via the performance approach. Thus, the concept, benefits and applications of the performance approach to facilitate society's transition to urban sustainability were also presented.

  Then, the speech "Moving towards Eco-City: Our Vision for a Sustainable Built Environment" delivered by ABRI Director General Ho Ming-chin. According to Director General Ho, ABRI was currently proposing the follow-up policy to extend the scope of green building promotion towards urban sustainability and eco-city development. The major green building policy, the Green Building Promotion Program, was proved to be successfully implemented from 2001 through 2007. The new-phase policy would focus on larger-scale issues from a progressive perspective and target on the establishment of an evaluation method and a series of promotional programs for eco-community and eco-city, paradigmatic eco-village projects, strategic planning for reducing heat island effect in the metropolis, ecological renovation for existing blocks and streetscapes, as well as a comprehensive incentive program in continuously promoting green building adoption, encouraging innovative green building design, regulating building electricity consumption, as well as upgrading building energy efficiency. According to the development direction, therefore, the interdisciplinary integration would be involved in the future research.

  下午三點,第四全會為黃晉英秘書長的專題演講,題目為 「氣候異變真相─面對十萬年週期災變」。黃晉英秘書長說明,雖然氣候異變已引起全球的關注,然對其真相迄今仍未有解答。祐生研究基金會自2004年起舉辦一系列針對全球氣候異變的會議,廣泛蒐集並審視相關文獻與資訊,同步由不同的知識執守者針對不同學科的技術進行交叉檢視與解讀,最後由基金會的核心室做出預測。經由雙軌並行的探討與檢證,在2005年得出具體氣候異變推導模型。為證實此理論,祐生將2005至2006年間國際通報發生嚴重氣候異變的地區加以比對,證明這項理論的可靠性。祐生預測全球將在未來的二氧化碳濃度升高過程中浮現氣候劇變的現象,尤其是沙漠邊緣的地區。若無法妥善控制沙漠化,將造成耕地減少與糧食短缺的危機。現今,正大力推廣的生質能源,其生產也會排擠糧食的耕地,導致糧食供應更形見絀。這顯示,若人們正面臨沙漠化的威脅,緊接而來的將是更嚴酷的生存危機。因此,祐生提議共生化理念,這是一種基於生活觀點,由生產野菜、飲食與堆肥構成的循環系統,此亦為永續建築的關鍵元素。祐生於SB2002首倡GB+Symbiosis=SB的理念,並在後續的國際會議中對全球社會持續加強此理念的宣導。參照祐生的氣候異變推導模型,人類必須保水與保樹,全面實現共生化,從而建構共生文明。如此,或許人類可另闢蹊徑,遠離十萬年一次的週期性浩劫。
  At the Plenary Session IV at 3:00 pm, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying delivered a keynote speech on "Truth about Climate Change -- Facing the Disaster that Occurs Every Hundred Thousand Years". According to Secretary General Huang, truth about Climate Change is a worldwide concerned issue. There is no answer till now. ARF thus held a 3-month conference series on global climatic change to extensively collect and review the relevant literature and information, and to conduct two parallel researches: the cross-examination and interpretation between knowledge keepers of various academic disciplines, and the forecasting carried out by the foundation's core taskforce. Through the double check of these two researches, until January 1, 2005, we arrived at a concrete deductive model. To prove this theory, we compared the places where serious climate change took place from international announcements during 2005-6. It proved that the theory was reliable.
  ARF predicted that dramatic climatic change would arise as the carbon dioxide concentration increased in the future, especially along the edge of present desert areas. If we were unable to control desertification, arable lands would reduce and food lack. At present, biomass energy was widely promoted; but as its production would reduce lands for growing food, this suggested a threat of increasing farmland and food shortage. Thus, if we were facing the threat of desertification now, we would be confronting the crisis of human subsistence in the future. Therefore, ARF proposed the concept of symbiosis. It referred to a cycling system constituted by wild vegetable growth, symbiotic diets and composting from the aspect of living. It was also the key to sustainable building (SB). ARF pioneered the concept GB+Symbiosis=SB at the SB2002, and continued propagating to the world this concept at subsequent international conferences, particularly at the SB07 Taipei. With reference to our model, we must devote ourselves to water and tree conservation and practice symbiosis in order to establish a symbiotic civilization. In doing so, we may be able to find another way out from the 100000-year period catastrophe.

  閉幕式於下午三點三十五分由江哲銘教授、李宏謨教授、蘇慶華教授、喻肇青教授、鄭正勇教授進行分組會議之論文講評。緊接著頒發五篇優選論文,得主依序為蔡耀賢、Ryozo Ooka及Shinsuke Kato合撰之「以CFD與建材內水蒸氣擴散之連成解析探討室內溼度分布預測手法」,江哲銘、李彥頤合撰之「更新過程:邁向生態城市的七步驟」,戴永禔的「共生群系─共生系統實體中生物物種之關聯性」,蕭惠中的「台灣『生態工業』與本地政治文化角力」以及李君如、李傳楷、劉定衢、陳泰安等合撰之「將共生應用於現行台灣永續發展指標之評估」。大會特別邀請Mr. Nils Larsson與Dr. Greg Foliente擔任頒獎人,將象徵殊榮的優選論文獎狀頒發予得主們,並合影留念。黃秘書長
  At the closing ceremony held at 3:35 pm, Professor Chiang Che-ming, Professor Lee Horng-mo, Professor Su Ching-hua, Professor Yu Chao-ching and Professor Cheng Cheng-yung made comments on the papers presented at the parallel sessions. The prize presentation of the Best Paper Awards followed immediately. The award-winning papers included "Study on the prediction of indoor humidity distribution with coupling simulation of CFD and vapor diffusion analysis through building materials" presented by Tsay Yaw-Shyan, Ryozo Ooka and Shinsuke Kato; "Renovation process: The seven steps toward ecocity" presented by Chiang Che-ming and Li Yen-yi; "Symbiome: Association of biological species in a realistic symbiotic system" presented by Day Yeong-tyi; "Eco-industry and indigenous political and cultural struggles in Taiwan" presented by Hsiao Huei-chung; and "Expectable evaluation of applying symbiosis to current sustainable development indicators of Taiwan" presented by Li Chun-ju, Lee Chuan-kai, Liu Ding-chyu and Chen Tai-an. Mr. Nils Larsson and Dr. Greg Foliente were invited to present the prizes to the winners, and they took pictures for souvenir as well. Besides congratulating and praising the winners, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying hoped that they could continue their research in environment sustainability in the future.

  於頒獎典禮結束後,閉幕式中歷史性的一刻即將到來,在彙整本次會議主題要點及與會者的交流反饋意見後,黃晉英秘書長代表大會向全體與會者宣讀SB07 Taipei國際會議宣言:「上一代的建築家留給我們一個非常富哲理的建築定義:『保護生命的軀殼,收納生活的容器。』 在二十一世紀初,人類面臨全球氣候異變下,這個古老的定義顯得更為貼切。這意味著建築必要有能力回應氣候異變的各種挑戰,也要有彈性承受永續發展的各種變化;在回應時要充分考量在地的特殊性,在承受時要思考聯結世界的通用性,為適應氣候及永續發展創造建築新典範。」隨後,黃晉英秘書長率先於宣言看板簽署留名,接著林俊興董事長與其他與會嘉賓紛紛趨前留下自己的簽名。本次SB07 Taipei國際會議之所以能順遂進行,除了永續議題領域人士積極參與外,幕後工作人員亦功不可沒,黃晉英秘書長藉著本日議程結束前,表達對SB07 Taipei國際會議各工作組長辛勞籌備會議之感謝,並邀請所有工作夥伴上台接受全體給予他們之最熱烈掌聲。在與會嘉賓於會議廳留下合影後,所有正式的議程也在此暫時告一段落,相互期勉於SB08Melbourne大會再會。
  The closing ceremony, the historic moment of the conference, took place after the prize presentation. After gathering the themes of the conference and feedbacks of guests, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying read the SB07 Taipei Declaration to all guests, "Last generation's architects left a philosophical definition of building for us: buildings are the shells that can protect lives, the container that can accommodate living. In the beginning of the twenty-first century, facing the global climatic change, this ancient definition becomes more pertinent. It implies that buildings must be able to respond to various challenges of climatic change, and be more flexible to withstand vicissitudes of sustainable development, which means, buildings have to take into consideration of local characteristics in terms of responsiveness, and think of applicability of global linkages in terms of resilience, with the aim of creating a new building paradigm for climatic adaptation and sustainable development." Later on, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying took the lead in the signing of the declaration. Then, President Lin Chun-shin and other guests followed suit. In addition to the participation of scholars and experts in sustainability, the effort and contribution of the crew was undeniable in the smooth progress of the SB07 Taipei. Before the end of Day 2 agenda, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying expressed gratitude to all SB07 Taipei crewmembers for their efforts in the preparation of the conference. She also invited them to the stage to receive the big applause from the guests. After taking pictures for souvenir with all guests, all conference activities came to an end. Everybody bid farewell to one another and promise to see again at SB08Melbourne.

  11月10日下午六點三十分,國外貴賓及SB07 Taipei國際會議的工作夥伴在黃晉英秘書長的邀請下參加大會安排之惜別晚宴,黃晉英秘書長以感性的話語表示期盼與會嘉賓能在SB07 Taipei國際會議上留下美好的回憶,並再次深深地向工作團隊致上最誠摯的謝意,並期盼未來還有機會在其他國際會議上與嘉賓們再次相會;宴會上嘉賓們齊聚一堂享受美好相聚的時光,而大會特別準備的帶唱節目及發表感言得紀念品的溫馨小遊戲,都讓大家留下了深刻的印象。
  At 6:30 pm on November 10, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying invited all overseas guests and partners of the SB07 Taipei to a farewell dinner. At the dinner, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying emotionally wished a happy memory with all guests for the SB07 Taipei. She also expressed her greatest gratitude to the crew and wished to work with them again in other international conferences in the future. Guests enjoyed a precious moment at dinner, and the organizer also prepared a series of activities, including singing, short speech for souvenir etc. Everybody was impressed by the event.

  11月11日則是大會精心安排的綠建築參訪行程,上午八點與會嘉賓們在台北君悅大飯店集合完畢後,驅車前往北投社區圖書館。北投圖書館為全台灣第一座綠建築圖書館,透過設計,將圖書館融入於自然之中,讓到此閱讀的人不僅能吸收書本知識更能享受大自然的綠意美景。中午時分,黃晉英秘書長與參訪貴賓一行人來到淡水的原住民人文主題餐廳用餐,Mr. Nils Larsson、Mrs. Foliente等國外貴賓對原住民傳統美食也給予高度評價。在用餐的同時,參訪團隊也為黃晉英秘書長準備了一個驚喜蛋糕,Mr. Nils Larsson及其他參訪貴賓在得知當月恰好是黃秘書長生日月份時,便同聲獻唱生日歌曲表達祝賀之意。下午的參訪行程為十三行博物館,透過解說員的講解讓大家了解到博物館設計理念來自於考古發掘及先民乘船渡海來台的意念,藉由不同型態的建築材料來表達山與海、過去與現在的意象。黃晉英秘書長在進行一整天的戶外活動後,帶領貴賓們返回台北君悅大飯店,當晚,由大會司儀李彥頤先生帶領嘉賓至中華美食名店─鼎泰豐享用晚餐,而嘉賓對此傳統小吃是讚賞有加、讚不絕口,即使很飽,為了美食還是不斷地將小籠包送下肚,大夥們就如此度過愉快且輕鬆的一日,而為期三天的SB07 Taipei國際會議也在此劃下完美句點。
  On November 11, the organizer arranged a green building tour for the guests. After meeting at the Grand Hyatt Taipei, all departed for the Taipei Public Library Beitou branch at 8:00 am. It was the first public library in Taiwan using the green design. It was blended to nature through crafty design, so that readers could enjoy the beauty of green and nature while absorbing knowledge from books. About noon, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying took the guests to an aboriginal theme restaurant in Dansui for lunch. Mr. Nils Larsson, Mrs. Foliente and other foreign guests expressed appreciated very much the traditional aboriginal food. During lunch, the tour prepared a birthday cake to surprise Secretary General Huang Chin-ying because Mr. Nils Larsson and other guests knew that Secretary General Huang Chin-ying was born in November. They also sang her Happy Birthday to celebrate her birthday. In the afternoon, they visited the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology. With the explanation given by the escort, guests understood that archaeological excavation and presentation of how early immigrants traveled across the sea to Taiwan were the founding aim of the museum formed with buildings built with different materials to represent the images of mountain and sea, past and present. After a day out, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying took the guests back to Grand Hyatt Taipei. In the evening, emcee Li Yen-yi took the guests to dinner at Din Tai Fung, a famous restaurant for traditional Chinese snacks in Taipei. Guests all thumbed up for the traditional Chinese snacks, even they were already full, they kept taking the soup dumpling, and everybody had a joyful and relaxing day. The 3-day SB07 Taipei also ended in perfection.

  本次SB07 Taipei國際會議在所有工作人員努力及國內外有志之士的參與下,成功地達成會議目標,參與國家包括台灣、澳洲、加拿大、日本、菲律賓及泰國等六國,與會人數高達378人。為了完整呈現SB07 Taipei國際會議的豐碩成果,大會也應邀於12月3日前往香港發表,讓國際人士對台灣在永續建築投注的心力與收穫更刮目相看。
  With the participation of all crewmembers and people interested in the topics, the SB07 Taipei successfully accomplished the goals of the conference. A total of 378 people from Taiwan, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand participated in the event. To fully present the rich results of the SB07 Taipei, we were invited to present an accomplishment report in Hong Kong on December 3. Our efforts and achievements in sustainable building had impressed people from other parts of the world.