The 2014 Summer Living Experience Camp was held from July 14 to 18 for five days four nights with the participation of 14 interns. The Camp was organized around three main themes - cooking skill, everyday applications and macro photography. Teacher Gaga, the author of Gaga Insects website - Taiwan's largest database website for insect ecology photos, was especially invited to conduct a series of classes on macro photography. In the first part of his course, he introduced various characteristics of a camera, including aperture and focal length, teaching the interns how to use their cameras to capture the effects they want. He also showed them web images of some commonly seen insects in the wild and their ecology. The second part of his course was the highlight of the Camp. Through actual photo-taking around the Symbiosphere Center and Teacher Gaga's lecture, each intern was able to clearly see the strengths and weaknesses in their photographic works and learned from them.
在料理技能及生活應用方面,包含由呂明澐小姐所主講的「料理擂台」課程,透過簡單的食材調味處理,帶領見習生捲出營養又美味的壽司、「皇天后土」則是利用廚餘及果皮進行環保的厚土種植法教學;在「食全食美」中,湯淑貞小姐教導大家石花凍的清洗及熬煮,並利用水果裝飾擺盤,最後進行饅頭實作;由劉純英小姐主講之「活靈活現」課程,見習生配合生動有趣的指令再結合腦力激盪,開發不同的肢體語言表達能力;莊鎮豪先生帶來「吉星高照」,介紹基礎觀星方法與星座盤教學並實機展示天文望遠鏡;薛仲翔先生所帶來的「以谷窺天」,則教導如何透過Google Earth軟體來環遊世界;「吐故納新」中,李書安先生展示空氣品質檢測儀,並教導生活環境中空氣品質的重要性;最後,由林彣鴻先生所主講的「讀出心裁」則是以兒童及青少年為出發點,帶領見習生探討報章媒體等出版物所觸犯到的兒少法規。
In terms of cooking skill and everyday applications, Ms. Lu Ming-yun taught the interns how to make nutritious and tasty sushi rolls using simple ingredients and seasoning, and using kitchen scraps and fruit skin for sheet mulching; Ms. Tang Shu-chen taught everyone how to wash and cook algae, decorate plates using fruits and making steamed buns; Ms. Liu Chun-yin inspired interns to express themselves using different body gestures through lively and interesting commands and brainstorming; Mr. Chuang Chen-hao introduced the basics of star-gazing and using planisphere and telescope. Mr. Hsueh Chung-hsiang taught the interns how to travel the world using Google Earth; Mr. Li Shu-an demonstrated the use of an air quality monitor and taught the importance of air quality in our living environment; and last but not least, Mr. Lin Wen-hung guided the interns through some newspaper and media publications, exploring certain aspects that had violated laws and regulations related to children and youths.
A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. There were fun and interesting exercises every morning. On the second and fourth evening, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly". Not only were there live reports by knowledge keepers, the interns also listened to book reports through videoconferencing. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs. It is hoped that they will bring home valuable knowledge and wonderful memories of the Camp. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.