發佈日期:  2014-11-05 @U@ 分類: 交流活動

SB14 Barcelona考察團暨iiSBE年度理事會議參與紀要
Summary of SB14 Barcelona & iiSBE AGM
  為持續推動祐生國際化的腳步、關注全球永續建築領域之相關發展,繼參與1998、2000、2002、2005、2008、2011及2013年之永續建築(SB)系列國際性會議後,本會再次組團於2014年10月25日至11月2日間,由社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會理事長蘇慶華教授擔任團長,率領祐生成員李彥頤先生、周伯丞先生、張桂鳳小姐、鍾政勳先生、劉定衢先生、李讃虔先生、林建宏先生、林彣鴻先生及社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會號召之高雄市政府官員曾品杰先生與周一心小姐等11人,前往西班牙巴塞隆納參加三年一度的永續建築國際會議(SB14 Barcelona)及iiSBE年度理事會。
  In promoting the internationalization of Archilife and continuing to monitor global developments in the field of sustainable buildings, after partaking in the Sustainable Building (SB) series of international conferences in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2013, Archilife has once again assembled a team to participate in the triennial SB14 Barcelona and iiSBE AGM in Spain between October 25 and November 2, 2014. Led by President of TSSBE, Prof. Su Ching-hua, the entourage consists of 11 persons, including Archilife member Mr. Li Yen-yi, Chou Po-cheng, Ms. Chang Kuei-feng, Mr Chung, Cheng-hsin, Liu Ding-chyu, Li Tzan-chain, Lin Chien-hung and Lin Wen-hung, as well as Kaohsiung City Government official Mr. Tzeng Ping-chien and Ms. Chou I-hsin, who were invited by TSSBE.

  Prior to departure, Archilife’s Secretary General Huang Chin-ying saw the team off at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Besides sharing Taiwan’s experience in sustainable buildings, the team members were also expected to absorb research outcome by foreign experts and scholars. Moreover, she also reminded the team about the details of attending large international conferences, as well as their personal safety and health abroad.

  考察團一行於2014年10月25日23:45自桃園機場啟程,搭乘阿聯酋航空(Emirates)EK367班機前往杜拜,再轉乘隔日07:40阿聯酋航空EK185班機,於2014年10月26日12:15抵達目的地巴塞隆納埃爾普拉特(El Prat)機場。
  The team departed from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 23:45 on October 25, 2014 on Emirates flight EK367 bound for Dubai. The following morning, they boarded Emirates flight EK185 at 07:40 and arrived at the El Prat Airport in Barcelona at 12:15 on October 26, 2014.

  完成入境手續後,隨即搭車前往巴塞隆納近郊約50公里的「蒙特塞拉特修道院(Monestir de Montserrat)」進行考察。該修道院是加泰隆尼亞地區重要的宗教聖地,在文化和精神生活中扮演了重要角色。團員們參訪教堂內部宛如藝術般細緻的結構,美麗的彩繪玻璃,並親眼目睹蒙特塞拉特聖母(黑聖母),許多來自世界各國的旅客到此,都會大排長龍等候向聖母許願;此外,修道院也是西班牙在佛朗哥時期,學者、藝術家、政治家和學生的避難所。另由於修道院與谷底的高低差達到1,236公尺,是加泰隆尼亞地區的制高點,故可以遠眺遠方景色,視野極佳。
  After the arrival procedure was completed, the team boarded a bus and headed for Monestir de Montserrat, approximately 50km away from Barcelona to begin their survey. The monastery is an important religious center in the Catalonia region and plays a crucial role in the people's cultural and spiritual life. The team members visited the art-like, intricate structure of the church and stunning stained glass. They also appreciated the Virgin of Montserrat (the black virgin) in person along with countless visitors from all over the world, who patiently waited in the long queue in order to pray to Virgin of Montserrat. In addition, the monastery was also a sanctuary for scholars, artists, politicians and students during the Franco Era in Spain. Since the elevation difference between the monastery and the bottom of the valley is 1,236m, therefore the vantage point in Catalonia is perfect for overlooking the picturesque landscape in the distance.

  晚間回到巴塞隆納市區,蘇理事長為慰勞團員旅途辛勞,特別於奧林匹克港邊的北京烤鴨店(Pato Pekin Puerto Olimpico),以具東方特色餐點、啤酒款待一行團員。餐後,即前往下榻飯店Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona,飯店鄰近巴塞隆納大學城,以及全歐洲最大的足球場諾坎普球場(Camp Nou),團員們可就近感受巴塞隆納的大學與運動氣息。由於SB14 Barcelona會場「加泰隆尼亞帕勞會議中心」就在飯店旁,對於團員們參與會議也更加便利。 
  In the evening, the team returned to downtown Barcelona; in order to reward the team members for embarking on the arduous journey, President Su especially treated them to an Oriental feast complemented by beers at the Pato Pekin Puerto Olimpico. After dinner, the entourage headed to their hotel Rey Juan Carlos I in Barcelona, which is located near the Barcelona university town as well as the largest soccer stadium in Europe Camp Nou, therefore the team members were able to experience the ambiance of the University of Barcelona and sports. Since the venue of SB14 Barcelona “Palau de Congressos de Catalunya” is right next to the hotel, it significantly enhanced convenience for the team members.

  2014年10月27日有2項活動,分別是進行巴塞隆納市區考察,以及參加下午的iiSBE年度理事會。上午的考察地點為高第(Antoni Gaudi)設計的聖家堂(Sagrada Familia),聖家堂以特殊造型聞名於世,也是世界上唯一一座尚未完工便被聯合國列為世界遺產的建築物。其東、西、南3個立面分別是「誕生立面」(Nativity facade)、「受難立面」(Passion facade)和尚未完工的「榮耀立面」(Glory facade)。高第以大自然的動植物型態為藍圖,並將聖經故事中的場景融入建築整體架構與細部呈現,令人讚嘆不已。
  On October 27, 2014, the team conducted a survey of downtown and attended the iiSBE AGM in the afternoon. The location of the morning survey was the Sagrada Familia designed by Antoni Gaudi, which is famed globally for its unique design. Sagrada Familia is also the sole uncompleted architecture to be listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world; the east, west and south facade of the building are: Nativity facade, Passion facade and the yet to be completed Glory facade. Inspired by the form of Mother Nature's flora and fauna, Gaudi also incorporated scenes from the Holy Bible into the overall architectural structure and the presentation of details in order to create the remarkable architecture.

  下午團員們則兵分兩路,分別進行會議與考察活動。iiSBE年度理事會部分,由TSSBE蘇理事長、李彥頤秘書長、周伯丞主委及張桂鳳主委等4人代表參加;此次各國與會人員計有35位,並由iiSBE理事長Luis Braganca主持。會議內容包含年度業務報告、財務報告以及選舉理事。Nils Larrson針對iiSBE年度業務提及重點包含:(1)iiSBE近期與WGBC以及UNEP之合作關係有明顯進展;(2)捐助菲律賓颱風災損,新增馬爾他(Malta)及巴西(Brazil)2個地方分會;(3)與CIB、UNEP-SBCI以及FIDIC之間的合作;(4)SB17會議選擇於香港舉辦,並更名為WSBE17(World Sustainable Built Environment 2017 in Hong Kong);(5)目前已確認舉辦SB16分區會議的國家有德國、馬爾他、瑞士、捷克、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭與埃及;尚待確認中的有瑞典、葡萄牙、土耳其及菲律賓。
  In the afternoon, the team split into two groups to conduct meeting and survey activities. TSSBE President Su, Secretary General Li Yen-yi, Chairpersons Chou Po-cheng and Chang Kuei-feng attended the iiSBE AGM, which saw participation from 35 delegates from around the world. The meeting was presided over by iiSBE President Luis Braganca and the agendas included annual report, financial report and the election of directors. Nils Larrson's annual report on iiSBE included the following key points: (1) There is a significant progress in the collaboration between iiSBE, WGBC and UNEP. (2) Donations were made in aid of the Philippines typhoon disaster, and 2 local chapters were established in Malta and Brazil. (3) Collaboration between CIB, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC. (4) SB17 conference will be held in Hong Kong and renamed as WSBE17. (5) Currently, nations confirmed to host SB16 district meetings include: Germany, Malta, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland and Egypt; countries still to be confirmed include Sweden, Portugal, Turkey and Philippines.

  In terms of other chapters, Canada, Taiwan, Italy, Czech Republic, Malta, South Korea and Spain all presented reports. This year's TSSBE annual report was conducted by TSSBE Secretary General Li, Yen-yi, who briefed the audience about TSSBE’s achievements and experiences in promoting sustainable building development in Taiwan in 2014, especially the proactive cooperation with the government to promote diversified, sustainable policies and technologies. Furthermore, the sustainability of the future generations is examined from a broad sense of education.

  此次計有3個理事席位釋出,包含不幸過世的Aleksander Panek教授,以及無法連任的Thomas Lutzkendorf教授,最後選出Gord Shymko(加拿大)及由提名委員會提出之Ilker Kahraman(土耳其)與Steve Burroughs (澳大利亞)等3員,目前iiSBE共計有14位理事來自13個國家。同時,iiSBE新財務長由Bob Bach(加拿大)自願擔任。
  In this meeting, 3 director vacancies became available from the unfortunate passing of Prof. Aleksander Panek and Prof. Thomas Lutzkendorf, who was unable torenew his term. Eventually, Gord Shymko (Canada), Ilker Kahraman (Turkey) and Steve Burroughs (Australia) were elected by the nominating committee to fill the vacancies. Currently, iiSBE has 14 directors from 13 countries. At the same time, the new CFO position of iiSBE was volunteered by Bob Bach (Canada).

  在WSB14國際事務主任Emilio Miguel Mitre報告中指出,本次WSB14會議規劃有口頭論文發表、海報論文發表、主題演講及業者展覽等不同型式。本次理事會參與國家中,以香港與瑞典各有115位參與者最多,其次為35位來自加拿大,以及20位來自台灣。理事會後大家針對台灣以及義大利所推動之事務很有興趣,並與蘇慶華教授有許多互動討論,而Nils Larrson也希望台灣能有機會繼SB07 Taipei後,能再次舉辦SB16的分區會議。
  In the report by WSB14 Director of International Affairs Emilio Miguel Mitre, he pointed out that WSB14 consists of oral dissertation presentations, poster dissertation presentations, theme speeches and manufacturer exhibitions. Of the countries with directors participating in the meeting, Hong Kong and Sweden came out on top with 115 delegates each, followed by Canada with 35 and Taiwan with 20. After the meeting, everyone showed great interest in the affairs promoted by Taiwan and Italy, with many members interacting and discussing with Prof. Su Ching-hua. Meanwhile, Nils Larrson also expressed his wishes for Taiwan to host the SB16 district meeting after SB07 Taipei.

  未參加理事會的團員則留在巴塞隆納最熱鬧的哥德區(Barri Gothic)進行考察,主要考察地點包含畢卡索美術館(Museu Picasso)、哥德式建築的大教堂(Catedral de Barcelona)、以及建於19世紀的聖卡特納市場(Santa Caterina Market),團員感受到哥德區街頭的風情萬種,除了熱鬧非凡的二手市集外,各種海鮮燉飯餐館、咖啡館與各種主題性書店琳瑯滿目。傍晚時分,團員們抵達高第的建築奎爾公園(Park Guell),此處能眺望巴塞隆納全景與地中海海灣,園區內花團錦簇,以石塊呈現的拱形走廊美不勝收,在此可見高第大膽和講求人類與自然共生的設計美學,團員們也無不把握機會跟奎爾公園守護神,也是巴塞隆納的象徵─馬賽克火蜥蜴合影留念。晚間則利用短暫的時間,前往巴特婁之家(Casa Batllo),巴特婁之家是一棟五層樓的建築,也是高第的作品;設計概念主要以聖喬治與惡龍的故事為背景,屋簷設計成惡龍的背脊,外牆則以海洋為主題,鋪滿七彩海藍色瓷磚,象徵加泰隆尼亞人與海為伍,冒險犯難。
  Team members who didn't participate in the meeting remained in the bustling Barri Gothic district of Barcelona. The main destinations included: Museu Picasso, Catedral de Barcelona and Santa Caterina Market, which was built in the 19th century. The team members soaked in the wonderful atmosphere of Barri Gothic; in addition to the lively secondhand market, there were also myriads of seafood risotto restaurants, cafes and various themed bookstores. In the evening, they arrived at Gaudi's Park Guell to admire the commanding view of Barcelona and the Mediterranean Sea. Inside the park were blooming flowers and magnificent stone arch galleries, and the team could appreciate the bold, symbiotic design aesthetics of Gaudi. The team also took the opportunity to take photo with the guardian of Park Guell – mosaic lizard - which is also the symbol of Barcelona. In the evening, they briefly visited Casa Batllo, a 5-story building also designed by Gaudi. The design concept drew inspiration from the story background of St. George and the dragon, with the arched roof designed to resemble the back of the dragon, while the outer wall sports an ocean theme and is paved in colorful glazed tiles, symbolizing the spirit of adventure of the Catalonians and their dependence on the sea.

  The theme of SB14 was “Sustainable Building Results…Are we moving as quickly as we should? It’s up to us!” which revolved around 3 main topics: Global vision, Creating new resources and Transforming reality, attracting participation by more than 2,200 experts, scholars and manufacturers from 70 countries across the globe. This year's meeting took place in the form of diversified forums to conduct discussions and exchanges, therefore the meeting agenda was based on the 3 main topics and roughly 155 academic sessions were held, ranging from large seminars, roundtable forums, oral/poster sessions, manufacturer exhibitions and city tours etc.

  The meeting lasted 3 days, with October 28, 2014 being the first day. In the morning, President Su led the entourage to complete the registration procedure, where the opening ceremony and seminars took place between 11:00 and 13:30.

  專題演講部分,大會邀請SB14會議主席Albert Cuchi,以及加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學教授Raymond Cole等2人,針對「建築面對全球環境的挑戰)」發表演說。演講者說明了全球環境變遷加劇,且越來越惡化,包含:生物多樣性逐年降低,可利用能源逐漸減少,以及全球氣候逐漸增溫的趨勢。區域性的問題則包含:水資源惡化(可利用的淡水資源逐漸減少),土地污染(如重金屬)或遭受其他因素破壞(氣候造成的沙漠化),還有一些可再生資源面臨極大的壓力等等。隨著全球人口逐漸增加,接下來人類建築即將面對的問題是「到了2050年,地球平均氣溫將上升2℃,要如何改善人類的居住品質,降低對環境的衝擊,將是永續建築要面對的課題之一」。
  For the seminars, the President of World SB14 Conference Albert Cuchi and Prof. Raymond Cole from University of British Columbia presented speeches on the topic of “Building facing global environmental challenges”. The speakers explained how the global environment change is becoming exacerbated, including: loss of biodiversity every year, reduction of usable energy and global warming. Regional problems discussed include: deterioration of water resources (decreased usable fresh water resources), land pollution by heavy metal or damage by other factors (desertification due to climate change), as well as the tremendous pressure faced by renewable resources. With the increasing global population, the imminent problem faced by buildings is “By 2050, the building sector alone would emit all permitted global emissions to reach a 2℃ increase in world temperature, how to improve people’s quality of life while minimizing environmental impact will be one of the most daunting challenges encountered by sustainable buildings.”

  During intermission between 11:30 and 12:00, a poster session was arranged. In the afternoon, 36 oral sessions were conducted and followed by a poster session during 16:30~17:00.

  本日議程結束前,大會安排德國籍的聯合國環境發展署代表Arab Hoballah、西班牙行動生態學家聯合協調員Herrero Yayo、法國永續發展和國際關係研究所研究員Andreas Rudinger等3人,針對「超越評論:應用到建築部門的轉移觀點」發表相關論點。
  Before the end of the meeting, German UNEP/DTIE representative Arab Hoballah, Spain’s Herrero Yayo from Co-coordinadora estatal de Ecologistas en Accion and Andreas Rudinger from Institute du Developpement Durable et Relations Internationales in France presented their arguments on the topic of “Beyond the critic: the transitional perspective applied to the building sector”. 

  人文考察方面,部分團員利用下午時間前往蒙特尤克奧林匹克體育場(Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic)、西班牙民俗村(El Poble Espanyol)及米羅基金會(Fundacio Joan Miro)。蒙特尤克奧林匹克體育場由西班牙建築師Pere Domenech i Roura設計,做為1929年巴塞隆納世界博覽會的會場,後被選為1992年夏季奧林匹克運動會的主場館,並由義大利著名建築師Vittorio Gregotti參與的團隊於1989年至1992年間負責場館的現代化工程。完成後的觀眾席增至55,000個,其主席台為一個40米寬、130米長的大穹頂。1992年夏季奧林匹克運動會期間,場館舉辦開幕、閉幕儀式及田徑項目。西班牙民俗村是1929年為迎接世界博覽會而建立的,原規劃於會後拆除,後因非常受歡迎而保留下來。當時參與工程的建築師、設計師拜訪了西班牙以及葡萄牙南部共1,600個村落,為的就是選出最具代表性的建築,園區內共有114座單體建築,展示著西班牙各省份和城市最具特色的風俗民情。米羅與畢卡索、達利並列為加泰隆尼亞現代藝術的代表性人物,米羅基金會位於蒙錐克山(Montijuic),1975年開放,館藏近萬件,是蒐藏米羅作品最豐富的美術館,涵蓋繪畫、雕刻、紡織品、版畫、海報、素描等。此處也是當代藝術中心的總部,經常舉辦先鋒藝術家的展覽。
  As far as cultural survey was concerned, some of the team members visited Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic, El Poble Espanyol and Fundacio Joan Miro in the afternoon. Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic was designed by Spanish architect Pere Domenech i Roura as the venue for the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition; it was later selected as the main stadium for the 1992 Olympic Games. Between 1989 and 1992, the stadium underwent modernization by renowned Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti; after completion, the seat capacity increased to 55,000, and there is a 40m wide, 130m long dome over the rostrum. The stadium hosted the opening/closing ceremonies and track and field events during the 1992 Olympic Games. El Poble Espanyol was built to welcome the 1929 International Exposition and was originally meant to be dismantled after the expo, it became so popular however that it was retained instead. Architects and designers involved in the project at the time visited 1,600 villages in Spain and southern Portugal to select the most iconic buildings. The park features 114 individual buildings demonstrating the most characteristic folk sentiments of different provinces and cities in Spain. Miro, Picasso and Dali are all iconic figures of Catalonian contemporary art. Inaugurated in 1975, Fundacio Joan Mirois is situated on Montijuic and houses a collection of nearly 10,000 artworks. The fine arts museum boasts the most comprehensive collection of Miro’s artworks ranging from paintings, sculptures, textile, wood prints, posters and sketches. This is also the epicenter of contemporary art often hosting exhibitions by avant-garde artists.

  10月29日,上午大會安排來自香港特區政府的發展局長Chan Mo-Po以及來自美國的世界觀察組織前主席Robert Engelman,以「永續是否仍為可能?建築部門的角色」為題發表演說。隨後是36個場次的口頭論文發表,以及11:30~12:00間的海報論文發表。
  On October 29, 2014, Chan Mo-po from the Secretary for Development, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong and Former President of World Watch Institute, Robert Engelman, presented speeches on the topic of “Is sustainability still possible? The role of the building sector”, followed by 36 oral sessions and the poster session between 11:30 and 12:00.

  下午則是繼續進行論文發表,與上午一樣有36個場次的口頭論文發表,16:30~17:00間也安排了海報論文發表。本日議程結束前,大會安排來自摩洛哥(Morocco)非洲建築聯盟的Firdaous Oussidhoum、來自世界銀行的成員Prashant Kapoor以及來自西班牙高級科學研究委員會的Julian Salas等3人,針對「永續建築與社區」發表演說。
  In the afternoon, there were also 36 oral sessions and the poster session was held between 16:30 and 17:00. Before the end of the meeting, Firdaous Oussidhoum from Africa Union of Architects in Morocco, Prashant Kapoor from the World Bank Group and Julian Salas from Superior Council for Scientific Research were invited to present speeches on “Sustainable building and communities”.

  人文考察團員則前往達利劇院美術館及奎爾宮。達利美術館位於巴塞隆納以北130餘公里的菲格列斯(Figueres),是超現實主義大師達利的家鄉。1974年時達利將家鄉的老劇場改建成達利劇院美術館,他總共花了13年的心血參與美術館的成立工作,並將劇院美術館視為一整件藝術作品,而非只是放置作品的空間,因此,從排隊買票開始,旅客就能慢慢進入他的世界。館內的「雨中計程車(Rainy Cadillac)」、達利畫作室、達利之墓、梅‧韋斯房間(Mae West Hall)、風之宮(Palau del Vent)等,都是值得細細觀賞的。奎爾宮的由來,則為賞識高第的奎爾公爵為了不想荒廢家族產業,聘請高第為其設計一棟豪宅,奎爾公爵不限制預算、花費,甚至工期,讓高第得以盡情發揮,實現所有創意。這棟公寓從1886年至1891年,總共蓋了6年,幾乎花光奎爾公爵大部分的積蓄,然而卻使高第因而聲名大噪。奎爾宮以其鍛鐵打造的鷹雕大門顯現其不凡,以20根彩色煙囪裝飾的屋頂,更令人驚艷,它們以馬賽克彩色磁磚拼貼,陽光下則如萬花筒般閃爍。
  The cultural survey team headed to Teatro-Museo Dali and Palau Guell. The former is located some 130km north of Barcelona in Figueres, the hometown of Dali, the Spanish maestro of surrealism. In 1974, Dali converted the old theatre in his hometown into the Teatro-Museo Dali over 13 years; he also treated the museum as a work of art, not just a space for exhibiting artworks, therefore visitors are able to appreciate the world of Dali starting from the moment they join the queue to purchase the admission tickets. Inside the museum, the Rainy Cadillac, Dali’s studio, cemetery, Mae West Hall and Palau del Vent must be appreciated in all of their glory. As for the origin of Palau Guell, Eusebi Guell, who admired Gaudi tremendously, hired him to design one of his mansions in order to keep his family business afloat. Eusebi Guell did not place a restriction on budget or time in order to enable Gaudi to unleash all of his creativity. The apartment took 6 years to construct, spanning from 1886 to 1891, and almost exhausting Eusebi Guell’s entire life savings; on the contrary, the project catapulted Gaudi to prominence. The wrought iron gates of Palau Guell with the Catalan coat of arms signify its majestic demeanor, while the roof decorated in 20 colorful chimneys are paved in vibrant mosaic tiles that glitter like the kaleidoscope under the sun.

  晚間則是大會主辦的晚宴(Gala dinner),晚宴處所在會議場地附近,對角線大道(Av. Diagonal)上的帕勞皇家修道院(Palau de Pedralbes)。參加晚宴的團員則是把握與國外學者專家交流的機會,分享彼此對永續建築的觀點,並互留聯絡方式。席間,主辦單位也宣布2017年的SB17會議將在香港舉行,SB17會議籌辦單位也在晚宴時邀請與會人員2017年香港見。
  The Gala dinner was held at the Palau de Pedralbes on Av. Diagonal, which is a stone’s throw away from where the meeting was held. Team members who participated in the gala dinner took the opportunity to share and exchange experiences on sustainable buildings with foreign scholars and experts; they also left contact details with one another. During the gala dinner, the organizer announced that the SB17 will be held in Hong Kong in 2017, and the SB17 organizers also invited everyone to meet in Hong Kong in 2017.

  2014年10月30日,上午大會邀請美國綠建築協會理事長Roger Platt及聯合國環境規劃署的代表Arab Hoballah,以「全球永續經濟與永續建築)」為主題發表演說,隨後是36個場次的口頭論文發表,以及11:30~12:00間的海報論文發表。下午大會邀請來自歐洲執行委員會的Marzena Rogalska、聯合國環境規劃署的Curt Garrigan、加拿大綠建築協會的Thomas Mueller及澳洲永續建築環境研究中心的Keith Hampson,以「經濟、創新與永續建築(Economy, innovation and sustainable building)」為主題發表演說。演說後,隨即舉行閉幕式。但因考察團一行已安排搭乘18:00的西班牙高速鐵路(Alta Velocidad Espanola, AVE)列車前往馬德里,遂忍痛捨棄參加閉幕式活動。
  In the morning of October 30, 2014, the President of US Green Building Council Roger Platt and UNEP/DTIE representative Arab Habollah presented speeches on the topic of “Global sustainable economy and sustainable building”, followed by 36 oral sessions and the poster session between 11:30 and 12:00. In the afternoon, Marzena Rogalska from the European Commission, Curt Garrigan from UNEP/SBCI, Canada GBC’s Thomas Mueller and Keith Hampson from the Sustainable Built Environment Research Center, Australia presented speeches on “Economy, innovation and sustainable building”. The closing ceremony was held immediately after the speeches. Considering the survey team had already booked seats on the 18:00 Alta Velocidad Espanola (AVE) bound for Madrid, they reluctantly forfeited the opportunity to attend the closing ceremony.

  人文考察團員則是前往加泰隆尼亞音樂廳(Palau Musica Catalana)及米拉之家(Casa Mila)。加泰隆尼亞音樂廳興建於1905年至1908年,由現代主義大師多明尼各(Lluis Domenech i Montaner)設計,現為巴塞隆納市立管弦樂團長期表演的音樂廳,外部有紅磚建築外觀,裝飾了色彩繽紛的馬賽克,轉角處有Miquel Blay的浮雕,內部則是華麗無比,特別是表演廳上方鑲嵌大型彩繪玻璃圓頂,猶如大型珠寶般光彩奪目。旅客在廳內參訪時,也能聽到導覽單位播放管風琴的華麗聲響。米拉之家則是位在Las Ramblas 大道上的高第建築作品,屋內呈現拋物線與懸鏈狀的拱頂,特殊造型的通風塔,不規則的中庭天井,以及精緻的家具擺設都是值得細細玩味,讓團員們佩服高第前衛藝術,且具遠見想法的建築概念。
  The cultural survey team members headed to the Palau Musica Catalana and Casa Mila. The former was constructed during 1905~1908 by contemporary master Lluis Domenech i Montaner, and now it is used as a concert hall by the Patronato-Orquesta Cludad de Barcelona. The red brick facade of the architecture is adorned by colorful mosaics and the sculptures by Miquel Blay in the corners. The interior exuberates with sheer opulence, especially the massive stained glass dome on top of the performance hall, which emanates radiance as if it is a giant jewelry. When the visitors are inside the hall, they can also hear the extravagant sound of the pipe organ. Casa Mila on Las Ramblas Boulevard is another building designed by Gaudi featuring parabolic brick arches of varying height with spine-like rib structure, uniquely shaped ventilation towers and irregularly shaped atrium, even the meticulous furniture arrangement deserve to be finely appreciated. The team members were profoundly impressed with Gaudi’s avant-garde art and architectural vision.

  參加會議與考察的團員在集合點會合後,即前往巴塞隆納聖哲火車站(Sants Estacion)。AVE列車18:00準時出發,以最高時速300公里開往馬德里阿托查火車站(Puerta de Atocha),於21:10抵達後,前往下榻飯店的胡薩港口酒店(Husa Princesa)。
  After assembling at the rally point, the entourage headed for Barcelona’s Sants Estacion and boarded the AVE, which departed on time at 18:00 and sped towards the Puerta de Atocha at 300km/h. The team arrived in their destination at 21:10 and traveled to the Husa Princesa hotel. 

  2014年10月31日的主要考察目標是馬德里西北方95公里的城市「塞哥維亞(Segovia)」,考量整體行程的便利性,團員們趁早先經過西班牙廣場(Plaza de Espana),到「皇宮(Palacio Real de Madrid)」參觀,皇宮是座結合巴洛克式和新古典主義風格的宮殿,也是西班牙皇室鼎盛時期的代表性建築。其內部設計十分精緻,開放參觀地區最精采部分莫過於「寶座廳(Salon de Trono)」,是國王正式接見賓客的殿堂,而「圓柱廳(Salon de Columnas)」則是西班牙簽署加入歐洲共同體的地方。
  The primary objective of the survey on October 31, 2014 was Segovia, a city 95km northwest of Madrid. In light of convenience, the team visited the Palacio Real de Madrid by crossing Plaza de Espana early in the morning. The palace’s architectural style is a fusion of Baroque and Neoclassicism, and it also represents the iconic architecture from the prime of the Spanish royalty at the time. The remarkable, exquisite interior design of the palace is best exemplified by the Salon de Trono, which was used by the King for formal receptions. The Salon de Columnas was where the Spaniards signed to join the European Community.

  塞哥維亞坐落於海拔1,000公尺的高地上,由於優越的戰略位置,備受歷代君主青睞。塞哥維亞也是15世紀卡斯提亞王國的重要城市,1474年天主教雙王之一的伊莎貝爾就是在此加冕成為卡斯提亞王國女王,她所住的阿卡乍堡(Alcazar),據說是迪士尼電影「白雪公主」城堡靈感的來源。城內最壯觀的建築莫過於相傳建於西元前1世紀以花崗岩所建,且列名世界文化遺產的「羅馬水道橋(Acueduco Romano)」。這是一座古羅馬遺跡,全長近800公尺,拱門多達166座,由120根柱子撐起,最高處達28.9公尺,未使用任何粘著劑、卡榫結合,完全以石塊層層堆疊而成。在當時它肩負著將鄰近的雪山河水引進市區,直到1884年前水道都還有水流過。團員們在水道橋旁的百年老店康迪多餐廳享用具當地特色的烤乳豬(Cochinillo Asado)後,以徒步方式進行古城巡禮,行經主廣場(Plaza Mayor)、大教堂(Catedral)及阿卡乍堡等地點。

  Segovia is located on a highland 1,000m above sea level; due to its superior strategic position, it was favored by previous monarchs. Segovia was an important city of Kingdom of Castile in the 15th century. In 1474, Queen Isabella of Castile was crowned here, and her castle Alcazar is allegedly the source of inspiration for Disney’s film “Snow White”. The most splendid building inside the castle is the World Heritage Site of Acueducto Romano, which was built 100 BC using granite. The ancient Roman relic is nearly 800m long and features 166 arches; it is supported by 120 pillars with the highest point being 28.9m tall. During construction, no adhesive or tenon was used, as it was stacked up with layers of slates. At the time, it shouldered the responsibility of introducing river water from nearby mountains into the city, and river flowed through the aqueduct up till 1884. The team enjoyed local delicacy Cochinillo Asado (roasted suckling pig) at the century-old restaurant Meson de Candido next to the Acueducto Romano. After lunch, they toured the ancient city on foot, including Plaza Mayor, Catedral and Alcazar.

  2014年11月1日為此次考察的最後一天行程,團員們把握僅剩的半天時間參觀馬德里市區的重要景點。聖米格爾市場(Mercado de San Miguel)為銅鑄結構建築,雖然抵達時尚未開始營業,但透過玻璃外牆透視到內部物品豐富,更重要的是體驗到令人讚嘆的精緻和細節。太陽門廣場(Puerta del Sol)西邊主廣場(Plaza Mayor)東西129公尺,南北94公尺的長方形廣場,四周被4層樓17世紀建築包圍,目前為商場使用,廣場中央的騎馬雕像為菲利浦三世,廣場過去曾是國王加冕典禮、鬥牛、足球比賽、行刑等主要場所,當天廣場建築立面正在進行拉皮整修,但可以看見西班牙人非常重視建築物修護時都市環境品質,故輸出大張帆布讓民眾仍保有原立面外觀景象。太陽門廣場則是西班牙公路網的中心點,周圍有10條街道向外放射,廣場周邊環繞百貨公司與各式商店,是馬德里繁忙商圈與觀光景點,例如:「熊與石楠樹」雕像,以及廣場上唯一被馬德里市政府核可的廣告TIO PEPE,這是紀念該廠牌雪莉酒成立100年周年紀念設立,也是此廣場重要指標之一。在廣場旁看到西班牙電動腳踏車租賃站,及正在整修舊建築物,讓我們感受到西班牙人不僅重視古蹟修護保存及民眾文化藝術涵養,也力行推動低碳交通運輸系統。在經過傾斜度15度的馬德里「歐洲之門(Puerta de Europa)」後,考察團結束了整個考察行程。隨即驅車前往馬德里巴拉哈斯(Barajas)機場準備漫長的返程,考察團一行於西班牙當地時間14:10,搭乘阿聯酋航空EK142班機往杜拜,次日清晨04:35再轉搭EK366班機,2014年11月2日16:50返抵桃園機場,圓滿結束跨越9天的考察行程。 

  November 1, 2014 was the last day of the survey tour, therefore the team used the remaining half day to visit important scenic attractions in Madrid. Mercado de San Miguel is a bronze architectural structure; although it was not yet open at the time, the team members could still witness the rich collection of merchandizes inside through the glass outer wall. More importantly, they were able to appreciate its dazzling, delicate details. Plaza Mayor of Puerta del Sol is a 129m by 94m rectangular plaza surrounded by 4 stories of 17th-century building on all sides. The plaza is currently used as a marketplace, with the equestrian statue of Felipe III in the center. In the past, the plaza was a major venue for king’s coronation ceremony, bullfighting, soccer and execution. On that day, the architectural facade of the plaza was undergoing restoration; it is evident that the Spanish people perceive great importance in maintaining the city’s environment during building restoration from the large building graphics that were applied to preserve the original appearance of the facade. Puerta del Sol is located at the center of the Spanish road network, with 10 roads stretching outward in a radial fashion. The Puerta del Sol is surrounded by department stores and shops, making it the bustling shopping district and tourist destination of Madrid. For instance, the El oso y el madrono (the bear and the strawberry tree) statue and the only advertisement sanctioned by the government of Madrid on Puerta del Sol TIO PEPE, which serves to commemorate the centenary of the label’s sherry. It is also one of the important landmarks of the plaza. By the plaza, there is a Spanish electric bicycle rental station next to an archaic building undergoing restoration, therefore we could appreciate that the Spanish people are not only dedicated to the restoration, preservation of ancient relics and the cultivation of people’s cultural, art qualities, they also endeavor to promote a low carbon emission transport system. The survey team concluded its entire survey itinerary after visiting Puerta de Europa, the first towers in the world designed at an incline of 15 degrees. Thereafter, they headed to Madrid’s Barajas airport for the long journey home. At 14:10 local time in Spain, the survey team boarded Emirates flight EK142 bound for Dubai and transferred to flight EK366 at 04:35 the next morning. They successfully ended the 9-day survey tour when the plane touched down at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 16:50 on November 2, 2014.

  本會組團參與SB14 Barcelona會議以及iiSBE年度理事會,除發表與共生化及數位化相關的4篇口頭報告論文、6篇海報發表論文外,更重要的是藉由面對面的溝通,無論是新知或舊識,都建立了更緊密的連結。經過多年來SB一系列會議的參與,不僅讓台灣團隊有系統地向國際發聲,讓祐生的理念讓更多國際人士瞭解,也使得SB會議開始重視熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶與寒帶地區國家以及地區性、在地化等永續發展議題。
  By attending the SB14 Barcelona and iiSBE AGM, the team has published 4 oral and 6 poster sessions related to symbiosis and digitization. More importantly, through face to face communication, they established more tightly-knit relations with new acquaintances and old friends. Over the years, the attendance in SB conferences has enabled the team in Taiwan to voice internationally in a systematic manner, in turn introducing Archilife’s philosophies to more people around the world. As a result, SB conferences have started to pay more attention to sustainable development issues such as regionalism and localization in tropical, subtropical, temperate and frigid zone nations.

  For this conference, delegates from Taiwan not only included the survey team from Archilife but also representatives from Public Works Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, ITRI and domestic universities, indicating the emphasis of Taiwan’s architecture industry, government and academia on the issue of sustainability. Consequently, we should participate in the next SB conference (WSBE17) organized by Hong Kong in a more proactive manner so as to garner more “opportunities” for Taiwan to make its presence felt in the international academic community. Furthermore, the objective is to take Taiwan to professional occasions in the fields of international sustainable building and technologies in an attempt to elevate the country’s academic and national competiveness. In so doing, we will progressively materialize Taiwan’s vital role in fostering a sustainable global environment.